
Education Savings Accounts

Education savings accounts (ESAs) allow parents to withdraw their children from a public district or charter school and receive a deposit of public funds into savings accounts with multiple uses. What amount would your family need to make choice possible in your district? 

We are building an army of supporters so that our interests might finally be represented in Trenton where K12 education is concerned. This movement will be led by taxpayers, parents, educators, and communities across The Garden State. We will set the dollar amount, create the supply, elevate unconventional schooling, and give families a meaningful choice in K12 education.

We will stay close to legislation.

We will not support what will not serve all of us.

We will use our voices and share our stories.

Funding—which families generally access via an online platform—can cover private school tuition and fees, online learning programs, private tutoring, community schools, community college costs, higher education expenses and other approved customized learning services and materials.

If you love your district school, you never have to apply for this funding. Your district school will continue to receive every penny of federal/state/local revenue for your child/children.

Currently 13 states have passed ESA legislation.

Draft legislation will be uploaded to this site as soon as it has been introduced.

It is important that we become well educated in education policy so that we can be a part of the framework.

Together, we can meet the challenge.

We have a population of over 9 million in New Jersey. Imagine what we can accomplish when we work together?